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SKU G-165416

Tank Battle Board game

Product specification details
SKU G-165416
Recommended age Ages 7 & Up
Material cardboard, paper, plastic
Dimensions 14.8x9.6x1.6'' (37x24x4 cm)
Additional Information в комплекте - 2 тяжёлых больших танка, 4 средних танка, 6 БТР, 8 бронемашин, 2 игровых поля с экраном, 80 красных, 320 белых фишек

The Tank Battle Board Game is designed for two players. Partners take a game set and sit in a way that each does not see the opponent’s playing field.
Start to place tanks on the field so that the distance between them is not less than one cell. The game starts once all the tanks are placed.

There are two game options in the set:
1. Shooting turn by turn.
2. Shooting "until the first miss." For example, once you hit an enemy tank, you keep firing until you miss.

The field displays the results of your shots and the enemy shots. White counters on the screen and in the field indicate a miss, while red ones indicate a hit.
To destroy tanks you need a certain number of hits.
The winner is the player who destroys all of the opponent's tanks first.